Monday, April 19, 2010

Busy Weekend

I had a great and busy weekend starting on Friday.  We had Student Led Conferences last week, so I had Friday afternoon off which worked out well with attending the dedication and open house for the Leadership Studies building at KSU.   Tamara, my daughter-in-law, works in recruitment and retention in the leadership program and also teaches.  Here she is in her brand new office. 

And I also took a picture of her and Blake.  After the baby comes in August, it will be all about him and not them. 

It is a beautiful addition to the campus, and while it is much more modern than Anderson Hall, I stopped to take a spring picture of it too.  That was Tamara's old work location.
Then Friday night we went to Clifton to eat with Paige and Russ as well as Russ's parents for Paige's birthday which was Thursday.  I didn't take any pictures at Tailgaters, but the prime rib was really good.

Then on Saturday, I went to Riley to present my portfolio for my master's class through Baker University.  Two more class nights, and I will officially be done.  Then I went to Manhattan for Abby's sorority's Mom's Tea.  I forgot to take my camera in there, but did get a picture of Abby and I in our matching shirts.  She didn't even cover up her shirt with a jacket in the mall this year. 

We went to Blake's in the evening.  Kyle had been down to play in a FarmHouse golf scramble with Blake and their team finished first.  I forgot to ask if they ever used Kyle's shots.  Earlier that day Blake got an award for the Outstanding Alumni.  He has been on the board and they have been through a tornado and pipes breaking with a lot of water damage. 

Then on Sunday, after SS and church, Kyle and I headed to Phillipsburg to get a horse to keep LT company and for people to ride with Kyle.  Patrick, named that because that was the name of the guy we bought him from,   is 13 years old and well trained.  The guy had called him Grulla because that is his color, but that is a terrible name. 
The only downer of the whole weekend was stopping in Belleville at the Dairy Queen and learning they didn't have butterscotch topping anymore.  What!!!


  1. Wow, busy weekend! And so many things to be proud of-- yours and your kids! I'm tired just reading about that schedule. Hope you got to enjoy the beautiful weather!

  2. Enjoyed the photos. Thanks for sharing.
