Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Random Half Dozen

The 2nd cup of coffee lady went on vacation from her own questions, so I did too.   But I came up with some of my own.  You are welcome to respond or just think about it yourself and not respond like I often do with other people's blogs. 

1.  What happened yesterday that made you go hmmmmmm?

The 8th graders made quick breads.  I also had bus duty, so I knew when I got back in the building the bread would be about done from 8th hour.  The timer went off from kitchen 2, I opened the door, no heat.  The kids had set the timer but had not pre-heated the oven.  So I went home and took my walk back to the school and took the bread out of the oven. 

2.  What is a memory you have from your FACS (Home Ec.) class? 
Our teacher took us to KSU Open House when we were seniors.  We got to spend the night and then visit all the exhibits.  That was really fun.  From actual class, I remember making our prom dresses in class.   They were totally different than today's dresses.

3.  What do you need to take to the rummage sale that won't make the trip this year? 
I need to go through my clothes again, but I don't think I will get that done.  I found some old baton trophies upstairs that might need to go and a whole collection of baseball cards. 

4.  Have you mowed your lawn?
I haven't but Kyle did it.  It looks good.

5.  Where do you get most of your news?
This is from Beth's FB.  I would say I watch the news in the morning and read the Salina Journal for national and state news.  Local news is either the radio or the Dispatch. 

6.  What did you have for school lunch that doesn't make the menus now?
We had these things called pinwheels that were bread with hamburger rolled up and cut like cinnamon rolls.  Not my favorite.  I saw the other day that some school was having bologna sandwiches.  Really???  Do the kids eat those?

This whole question thing is harder than it looks. 


  1. My hmmmm moment was trying to help a middle school vocalist and being informed I didn't know what I was talking about. Hmmm, I guess all my years of piano and voice lessons were worthless. Sorry you wasted your money, Mom & Dad!

    I have the same memory of attending K-State's Hospitality Days (that was what they called Open House back in the day), but I also remember Mrs. Jones missing the exit at Salina. Maybe that was my year and not yours.

    Do they really take used baton trophies? I actually cleaned out my dining room closet and took multiple boxes of junk - I mean treasures - to the church for the bazaar. And to respond to a question you asked me earlier, yes, I'm definitely a saver. I should clean out many more closets, drawers, etc. At least I have until the fall to get it done!

    No, I have not mowed my grass/weeds. I know you like that job. I do not.

    I had totally forgotten the pinwheels. I didn't mind them. I do not have the pleasure of school lunches in my normal day, so I cannot respond to this question with any authority. However, no, my children would not eat bologna sandwiches. Neither would I.

    Thanks for asking.

  2. Please do not throw out the baseball cards.
    Their current owner.

  3. Ditto on the baton trophies! Those are prized possession and proof of your thousands of dollars spent on said lessons!

  4. It seems as though you can both buy your beloved items at the UM Rummage Sale on Saturday. Good luck--I bet there's a line for those items. You better get there early!
