Sunday, February 14, 2010

Favorite Love Song

Chicago's Colour My World, 1977.  It was popular for college dances and a great slow song in the midst of disco. I don't know that Kyle and I have a song - I'm sure he would say we don't, but if we did this might be it.  I love the flute in it.  Now my kids are going to roll their eyes, and say "Oh, gee", but I have that perogative because we will be married thirty years on May 31.  What!!!  30 years!!  How can that be???


  1. Every band at a dance in HS had a flute player for that song! Beautiful! (You sound like us. No song. Or maybe just too many songs we love.) Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

  2. I watched the video just so I could see the flute and say 'Oh gee' (just like that - Oh gee). I thought you would pick the Carpenters though ... I know how you like the Carpenters!

  3. The Carpenters would have been a good choice, but not for a love song. The Carpenters were more early high school years.

  4. My children are not very happy with you. Mentioning a love song and kind of gave them the creeps. I happen to love that song and think that it is an excellent choice for a love song. I kind of like 'Wind Beneath My Wings' and 'The Chair'.
